
Green Doors

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Missional Santas

Here are my Missional Santas on parade. "What's that?" you say, "Isn't Santa really just Satan spelled funny?" Guess again, Friend. You see a bunch of ladies from the North Region of Mars Hill Bellevue are getting together for a Cookie Share on Monday night. We will all bring several dozen cookies and then swap them so we have a variety. Then we'll place our cookies in decorated boxes so we can deliver them to our neighbors or friends.

So, why Santa? Because it's a darn cute cookie that I had fun making and because it's memorable. I don't have much contact with my neighbors and I'm really excited to give them boxes of cookies this year. My hope is to be memorable and begin building relationships in an effort to shine the Truth of the Gospel.

I don't maintain the lie that Santa is alive or real and I really hate that he takes the thunder from our celebration of Jesus' arrival! However, he's a part of the culture of the world around us and I intend to use that culture for building bridges with people and not walls around myself and my family.

So, little Santas, go forth and open the door of friendship with my neighbors.

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